Location Works UK

Sunrise/Sunset Predictions


Adelaide, Australia. Latitude 34° 56' South, longitude 138° 36' East

Day Date Civil Twilight Sunrise Time Sunrise Azimuth Daylight Hours Sunset Time Sunset Azimuth Civil Twilight Moon Phase
Mon 11/2/02 06:17* 06:44* 100° 13:30 20:14* 244° 20:41*
Tue 12/2/02 06:19* 06:45* 99° 13:28 20:13* 244° 20:39*
Wed 13/2/02 06:20* 06:46* 99° 13:26 20:12* 245° 20:38*
Thu 14/2/02 06:21* 06:47* 98° 13:24 20:11* 245° 20:37*
Fri 15/2/02 06:22* 06:48* 98° 13:22 20:10* 245° 20:36*
Sat 16/2/02 06:23* 06:49* 97° 13:20 20:09* 246° 20:35*
Sun 17/2/02 06:24* 06:50* 97° 13:17 20:07* 246° 20:34*

Magnetic declination is 8° East.. Compass readings are Magnetic North - the calculations include the Declination (do not adjust your compass). (Click here for an explanation of declination.) Civil Twilight is defined as the time when the sun is 6° below the horizon. Times followed by an asterisk are Daylight Saving Hours.

These figures assume a nautical horizon; if the horizon is obscured by mountains or buildings, use the location diagram below to estimate the azimuth (compass bearing) of rising/setting. If your application requires a high degree of accuracy, it is recommended that you use these figures merely as a guidleine for your own observations.

Click here for additional notes and explanations.

Solar Location Diagram

This diagram shows the altitude and azimuth of the Sun from sunrise to sunset. The radial lines indicate the azimuth (compass bearing) at 15° intervals. The concentric circles indicate the altitude of the Sun at 10° intervals, from 0° on the horizon to 90° on the zenith.

Adelaide, Australia.
Longitude 34° 56' South
Latitude 138° 36' East
Thu 14th Feb 2002
Time zone: +9.5
Daylight Saving Hours apply
Sunrise: 06:47, 98°
Sunset: 20:11, 245°
Sun's highest altitude: 67°

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