Location Works Sunrise/Sunset Predictions
  sunrise/sunset predictions

Read the instructions then find your location.
[70°N] [60°N] [50°N] [40°N] [30°N] [20°N] [10°N]
[0° Equator] [10°S] [20°S] [30°S] [40°S] [50°S]

10° North

Angola: Luanda (+8 mins); Huambo (+0 mins)
Barbados: Bridgetown (+0 mins)
Cambodia: Phnom-Penh (+0 mins)
Costa Rica: San José (-28 mins)
Curacao: Willemstad (+32 mins)
Ethiopia: Addis Ababa (+28 mins)
El Salvador (-8 mins)
Gambia: Banjul (+68 mins)
Ghana: Accra (+0 mins)
Grenada: St George's (+8 mins)
Guatemala: Guatemala City (+0 mins)
Guinea: Conakry (+56 mins)
Guinea Bissau: Bissau (+68 mins)
Guyana: Georgetown (+52 mins)
Honduras: Tegucigalpa (-12 mins)
India: Bangalore (+20 mins); Madras (+9 mins)
Ivory Coast: Yamoussoukro (+20 mins)
Liberia: Monrovia (+40 mins)
Nicaragua: Managua (-12 mins)
Niger: Niamey (+52 mins)
Nigeria: Lagos (+48 mins)
Panama: Panama City (+16 mins)
Philippines: Manila (-8 mins)
Senegal: Dakar (+72 mins)
Sierra Leone: Freetown (+52 mins)
Sri Lanka: Colombo (+10 mins)
Surinam (+12 mins)
Thailand: Bangkok (+16 mins); Phuket (+28 mins)
Togo: Lomé (-8 mins)
Trinidad: Port of Spain (+8 mins)
Venezuela: Caracas (+28 mins)
Windward Islands: St Vincent (+8 mins)
Yemen: Aden +0 mins)
10° North =======================================
      Sunrise  Sunrise  Sunset  Sunset   Daylight
Date  Time     Azimuth  Time    Azimuth  Hours
1/1   06:16      113°   17:50     246°   11:34      
8/1   06:19      112°   17:54     247°   11:35      
15/1  06:21      111°   17:57     248°   11:36      
22/1  06:22      109°   18:00     250°   11:38      
29/1  06:22      108°   18:03     252°   11:41      
5/2   06:22      106°   18:06     254°   11:44      
12/2  06:20      103°   18:08     256°   11:48      
19/2  06:18      101°   18:09     258°   11:51      
26/2  06:15       98°   18:10     261°   11:55      
5/3   06:12       95°   18:10     264°   11:58      
12/3  06:08       93°   18:10     266°   12:02      
19/3  06:04       90°   18:10     269°   12:06      
26/3  06:00       87°   18:10     272°   12:10      
2/4   05:56       84°   18:10     275°   12:14      
9/4   05:52       82°   18:10     278°   12:18      
16/4  05:49       79°   18:10     280°   12:21      
23/4  05:45       77°   18:10     283°   12:25      
30/4  05:43       74°   18:11     285°   12:28      
7/5   05:40       72°   18:12     287°   12:32      
14/5  05:39       70°   18:13     289°   12:34      
21/5  05:38       69°   18:15     290°   12:37      
28/5  05:37       68°   18:16     292°   12:39      
4/6   05:37       67°   18:18     293°   12:41      
11/6  05:38       66°   18:20     293°   12:42      
18/6  05:39       66°   18:22     293°   12:43      
25/6  05:41       66°   18:23     293°   12:42      
2/7   05:43       66°   18:24     293°   12:41      
9/7   05:44       67°   18:25     292°   12:41      
16/7  05:46       68°   18:25     291°   12:39      
23/7  05:48       69°   18:24     290°   12:36      
30/7  05:49       71°   18:23     288°   12:34      
6/8   05:50       72°   18:21     286°   12:31      
13/8  05:50       74°   18:18     284°   12:28      
20/8  05:51       77°   18:15     282°   12:24      
27/8  05:50       79°   18:11     280°   12:21      
3/9   05:50       82°   18:07     277°   12:17      
10/9  05:50       84°   18:03     274°   12:13      
17/9  05:49       87°   17:59     272°   12:10      
24/9  05:49       90°   17:54     269°   12:05      
1/10  05:48       93°   17:50     266°   12:02      
8/10  05:48       95°   17:46     263°   11:58      
15/10 05:48       98°   17:42     261°   11:54      
22/10 05:48      101°   17:39     258°   11:51      
29/10 05:49      103°   17:37     256°   11:48      
5/11  05:51      105°   17:35     254°   11:44      
12/11 05:53      107°   17:34     252°   11:41      
19/11 05:56      109°   17:34     250°   11:38      
26/11 05:59      111°   17:35     248°   11:36      
3/12  06:02      112°   17:37     247°   11:35      
10/12 06:06      113°   17:39     246°   11:33      
17/12 06:09      113°   17:42     246°   11:33      
24/12 06:13      113°   17:45     246°   11:32

0°: Equator

Brazil: Manaus (+0 mins)
Cameroon: Yaoundé (+12 mins)
Colombia: Bogota (-4 mins)
Congo: Brazzaville (+0 mins)
Ecuador: Quito (+16 mins)
Gabon: Libreville (+30 mins)
Galapagos (+0 mins)
Kenya: Nairobi (+32 mins); Mombasa (+20 mins)
Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur (+72 mins)
Seychelles: Victoria (+20 mins)
Singapore (+68 mins)
Somalia: Mogadichu (+0 mins)
Uganda: Kampala (+50 mins)
0° - Equator ====================================
      Sunrise  Sunrise  Sunset  Sunset   Daylight
Date  Time     Azimuth  Time    Azimuth  Hours
1/1   05:59      112°   18:07     247°   12:08      
8/1   06:03      112°   18:10     247°   12:07      
15/1  06:05      111°   18:13     248°   12:08      
22/1  06:08      109°   18:15     250°   12:07      
29/1  06:09      107°   18:16     252°   12:07      
5/2   06:10      105°   18:17     254°   12:07      
12/2  06:10      103°   18:17     256°   12:07      
19/2  06:10      101°   18:17     258°   12:07      
26/2  06:09       98°   18:16     261°   12:07      
5/3   06:08       96°   18:14     264°   12:06      
12/3  06:06       93°   18:13     266°   12:07      
19/3  06:04       90°   18:11     269°   12:07      
26/3  06:02       87°   18:08     272°   12:06      
2/4   06:00       85°   18:06     275°   12:06      
9/4   05:58       82°   18:04     277°   12:06      
16/4  05:56       79°   18:03     280°   12:07      
23/4  05:54       77°   18:01     282°   12:07      
30/4  05:53       75°   18:00     284°   12:07      
7/5   05:53       73°   17:59     286°   12:06      
14/5  05:52       71°   17:59     288°   12:07      
21/5  05:52       69°   18:00     290°   12:08      
28/5  05:53       68°   18:00     291°   12:07      
4/6   05:54       67°   18:01     292°   12:07      
11/6  05:55       66°   18:03     293°   12:08      
18/6  05:57       66°   18:04     293°   12:07      
25/6  05:58       66°   18:06     293°   12:08      
2/7   06:00       66°   18:07     292°   12:07      
9/7   06:01       67°   18:08     292°   12:07      
16/7  06:02       68°   18:09     291°   12:07      
23/7  06:02       69°   18:09     289°   12:07      
30/7  06:02       71°   18:09     288°   12:07      
6/8   06:02       73°   18:09     286°   12:07      
13/8  06:01       75°   18:08     284°   12:07      
20/8  05:59       77°   18:06     282°   12:07      
27/8  05:58       79°   18:04     279°   12:06      
3/9   05:56       82°   18:02     277°   12:06      
10/9  05:53       85°   18:00     274°   12:07      
17/9  05:51       87°   17:57     272°   12:06      
24/9  05:48       90°   17:55     269°   12:07      
1/10  05:46       93°   17:52     266°   12:06      
8/10  05:44       95°   17:50     263°   12:06      
15/10 05:42       98°   17:49     261°   12:07      
22/10 05:41      101°   17:47     258°   12:06      
29/10 05:40      103°   17:47     256°   12:07      
5/11  05:40      105°   17:47     254°   12:07      
12/11 05:40      107°   17:47     252°   12:07      
19/11 05:41      109°   17:48     250°   12:07      
26/11 05:43      110°   17:50     248°   12:07      
3/12  05:46      112°   17:53     247°   12:07      
10/12 05:49      112°   17:56     247°   12:07      
17/12 05:52      113°   17:59     246°   12:07      
24/12 05:55      113°   18:03     246°   12:08

10° South

Brazil: Recife (-40 mins)
Indonesia: Bali (+20 mins); Jakarta (-8 mins); Timor (-20 mins)
Malawi: Lilongwe (-16 mins)
Papua New Guinea: Port Moresby (+12 mins)
Peru: Lima (+12 mins)
Samoa (+24 mins)
Solomon Islands (+20 mins)
Tanzania: Dodoma (+36 mins); Dar es Salaam/Zanzibar (+24 mins)
10° South =======================================
      Sunrise  Sunrise  Sunset  Sunset   Daylight
Date  Time     Azimuth  Time    Azimuth  Hours
1/1   05:42      113°   18:24     246°   12:42      
8/1   05:46      112°   18:27     247°   12:41      
15/1  05:50      111°   18:28     248°   12:38      
22/1  05:53      110°   18:29     249°   12:36      
29/1  05:56      108°   18:29     251°   12:33      
5/2   05:58      106°   18:28     253°   12:30      
12/2  06:00      104°   18:27     256°   12:27      
19/2  06:02      101°   18:25     258°   12:23      
26/2  06:03       98°   18:22     261°   12:19      
5/3   06:03       96°   18:18     263°   12:15      
12/3  06:04       93°   18:15     266°   12:11      
19/3  06:04       90°   18:11     269°   12:07      
26/3  06:03       87°   18:07     272°   12:04      
2/4   06:03       85°   18:03     275°   12:00      
9/4   06:03       82°   17:59     277°   11:56      
16/4  06:03       79°   17:55     280°   11:52      
23/4  06:03       77°   17:52     282°   11:49      
30/4  06:04       75°   17:49     285°   11:45      
7/5   06:05       73°   17:47     287°   11:42      
14/5  06:06       71°   17:46     288°   11:40      
21/5  06:07       69°   17:45     290°   11:38      
28/5  06:09       68°   17:44     291°   11:35      
4/6   06:11       67°   17:45     292°   11:34      
11/6  06:13       66°   17:46     293°   11:33      
18/6  06:14       66°   17:47     293°   11:33      
25/6  06:16       66°   17:48     293°   11:32      
2/7   06:17       66°   17:50     293°   11:33      
9/7   06:18       67°   17:52     292°   11:34      
16/7  06:18       68°   17:53     291°   11:35      
23/7  06:17       69°   17:55     290°   11:38      
30/7  06:16       71°   17:56     288°   11:40      
6/8   06:14       73°   17:57     286°   11:43      
13/8  06:11       75°   17:57     284°   11:46      
20/8  06:08       77°   17:57     282°   11:49      
27/8  06:05       79°   17:57     279°   11:52      
3/9   06:01       82°   17:57     277°   11:56      
10/9  05:57       85°   17:56     274°   11:59      
17/9  05:52       87°   17:56     271°   12:04      
24/9  05:48       90°   17:55     269°   12:07      
1/10  05:44       93°   17:55     266°   12:11      
8/10  05:40       96°   17:55     263°   12:15      
15/10 05:36       98°   17:55     261°   12:19      
22/10 05:33      101°   17:55     258°   12:22      
29/10 05:30      103°   17:56     256°   12:26      
5/11  05:28      106°   17:58     253°   12:30      
12/11 05:27      108°   18:00     251°   12:33      
19/11 05:27      109°   18:03     249°   12:36      
26/11 05:28      111°   18:06     248°   12:38      
3/12  05:29      112°   18:10     247°   12:41      
10/12 05:31      113°   18:13     246°   12:42      
17/12 05:34      113°   18:17     246°   12:43      
24/12 05:38      113°   18:20     246°   12:42

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[70°N] [60°N] [50°N] [40°N] [30°N] [20°N] [10°N]
[0° Equator] [10°S] [20°S] [30°S] [40°S] [50°S]