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collections: Scottish castles :: Ruins

Reference 41458
131 miles (211km) from London
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Medieval castle ruins and georgian house, Herefordshire.
Reference 41445
333 miles (536km) from London
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16th-century castle with an unusual curved library and period features. Scottish borders.
Reference 5535
92 miles (148km) from London
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Magnificent Elizabethan castle, privately owned, with grand reception rooms, formal gardens and a large estate. Gloucestershire.
Reference 4198
36 miles (58km) from London
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Moated castle/manor house in Kent, dating back to 13thC, set in 30 acres of formal gardens, including a large hedge maze.
Reference 0657
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Magnificent Norman castle / keep, with a huge internal structural arch, banqueting hall, minstrels gallery and dungeons. Essex. (Close to M25, 50 miles from London)
Reference 40178
362 miles (583km) from London
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12th-century norman stone square keep castle. Dumfries and Galloway.
Reference 30606
104 miles (167km) from London
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12th century castle and estate, with a mediaeval great hall, and mature gardens. Gloucestershire.
Reference 42209
362 miles (583km) from London
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16thC grand Scottish tower house with a fine interior, set in a 4,000 acre private estate. Central Scotland.
Reference 33948
252 miles (406km) from London
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18thC fort on a peninsula in North Wales with battlements and cannons and a small dockyard, surrounded by long sandy beaches and salt marshes. The fort has been converted to holiday accommodation.
Reference 47397
207 miles (333km) from London
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Chateau, with richly decorated Victorian interiors and wine caves. Wales.
special collections: scottish castles :: ruins

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
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collections: Scottish castles :: Ruins

reference 41458 ❯
131 miles (211km) from London

Medieval castle ruins and georgian house, Herefordshire.

reference 41445 ❯
333 miles (536km) from London

16th-century castle with an unusual curved library and period features. Scottish borders.

reference 5535 ❯
92 miles (148km) from London

Magnificent Elizabethan castle, privately owned, with grand reception rooms, formal gardens and a large estate. Gloucestershire.

reference 4198 ❯
36 miles (58km) from London

Moated castle/manor house in Kent, dating back to 13thC, set in 30 acres of formal gardens, including a large hedge maze.

reference 0657 ❯

Magnificent Norman castle / keep, with a huge internal structural arch, banqueting hall, minstrels gallery and dungeons. Essex. (Close to M25, 50 miles from London)

reference 40178 ❯
362 miles (583km) from London

12th-century norman stone square keep castle. Dumfries and Galloway.

reference 30606 ❯
104 miles (167km) from London

12th century castle and estate, with a mediaeval great hall, and mature gardens. Gloucestershire.

reference 42209 ❯
362 miles (583km) from London

16thC grand Scottish tower house with a fine interior, set in a 4,000 acre private estate. Central Scotland.

reference 33948 ❯
252 miles (406km) from London

18thC fort on a peninsula in North Wales with battlements and cannons and a small dockyard, surrounded by long sandy beaches and salt marshes. The fort has been converted to holiday accommodation.

reference 47397 ❯
207 miles (333km) from London

Chateau, with richly decorated Victorian interiors and wine caves. Wales.

castles in all regions
 94 locations :: page 2 / 10  :: see also...

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
reference 41458 ❯
131 miles (211km) from London
Medieval castle ruins and georgian house, Herefordshire.

reference 41445 ❯
333 miles (536km) from London
16th-century castle with an unusual curved library and period features. Scottish borders.

reference 5535 ❯
92 miles (148km) from London
Magnificent Elizabethan castle, privately owned, with grand reception rooms, formal gardens and a large estate. Gloucestershire.

reference 4198 ❯
36 miles (58km) from London
Moated castle/manor house in Kent, dating back to 13thC, set in 30 acres of formal gardens, including a large hedge maze.

reference 0657 ❯
Magnificent Norman castle / keep, with a huge internal structural arch, banqueting hall, minstrels gallery and dungeons. Essex. (Close to M25, 50 miles from London)

reference 40178 ❯
362 miles (583km) from London
12th-century norman stone square keep castle. Dumfries and Galloway.

reference 30606 ❯
104 miles (167km) from London
12th century castle and estate, with a mediaeval great hall, and mature gardens. Gloucestershire.

reference 42209 ❯
362 miles (583km) from London
16thC grand Scottish tower house with a fine interior, set in a 4,000 acre private estate. Central Scotland.

reference 33948 ❯
252 miles (406km) from London
18thC fort on a peninsula in North Wales with battlements and cannons and a small dockyard, surrounded by long sandy beaches and salt marshes. The fort has been converted to holiday accommodation.

reference 47397 ❯
207 miles (333km) from London
Chateau, with richly decorated Victorian interiors and wine caves. Wales.

castles in all regions
 94 locations :: page 2 / 10  :: see also...

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.