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collections: Waterfalls

Reference 44675
71 miles (114km) from London
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Modern waterside retreat, seven bedrooms and outdoor heated pool. Hampshire. (new location 2024)
Reference 44876
24 miles (39km) from London
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240 acres of stunning formal gardens and woodland, and a tropical glasshouse. Surrey. (new location 2024)
Reference 40433
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Farmhouse set in fifty acres of fields and woodland and an ancient moat. Surrey.
Reference 44889
572 miles (921km) from London
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Waterside lodge, with seven bedrooms, in the Highlands.
Reference 40685
81 miles (130km) from London
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A grade II 14thC farmhouse with five bedrooms, stables, outbuildings and a disused hard tennis court, also featuring a large lake and Lake house within its eight acres of land. Essex.
Reference 43974
76 miles (122km) from London
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Secluded manor house with lakes, stables and tennis courts. Oxfordshire. Pictures on request only.
The owner of this location has specified that images are only available on request.
Reference 43358
193 miles (311km) from London
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Six-bedroomed georgian barn conversion, set on 16 acres, including woods, a lake a tennis court, an old cricket pitch, and a run-down pavilion. Cheshire.
Reference 49072
20 miles (32km) from London
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Country mansion, currently empty, previously a corporate headquarters. Buckinghamshire. (updated listing 2024)
Reference 43296
73 miles (118km) from London
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Large live/work designed barn, set in 15 acres of woodland and meadow including two galleries, a balcony and a 3-acre lake. West Sussex.
Reference 41895
243 miles (391km) from London
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River gorge with a waterfall, cave and limestone pavement. set in woodland. North Yorkshire.
special collections: waterfalls

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
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collections: Waterfalls

reference 44675 ❯
71 miles (114km) from London

Modern waterside retreat, seven bedrooms and outdoor heated pool. Hampshire. (new location 2024)

reference 44876 ❯
24 miles (39km) from London

240 acres of stunning formal gardens and woodland, and a tropical glasshouse. Surrey. (new location 2024)

reference 40433 ❯

Farmhouse set in fifty acres of fields and woodland and an ancient moat. Surrey.

reference 44889 ❯
572 miles (921km) from London

Waterside lodge, with seven bedrooms, in the Highlands.

reference 40685 ❯
81 miles (130km) from London

A grade II 14thC farmhouse with five bedrooms, stables, outbuildings and a disused hard tennis court, also featuring a large lake and Lake house within its eight acres of land. Essex.

reference 43974 ❯
76 miles (122km) from London

Secluded manor house with lakes, stables and tennis courts. Oxfordshire. Pictures on request only.
The owner of this location has specified that images are only available on request.

reference 43358 ❯
193 miles (311km) from London

Six-bedroomed georgian barn conversion, set on 16 acres, including woods, a lake a tennis court, an old cricket pitch, and a run-down pavilion. Cheshire.

reference 49072 ❯
20 miles (32km) from London

Country mansion, currently empty, previously a corporate headquarters. Buckinghamshire. (updated listing 2024)

reference 43296 ❯
73 miles (118km) from London

Large live/work designed barn, set in 15 acres of woodland and meadow including two galleries, a balcony and a 3-acre lake. West Sussex.

reference 41895 ❯
243 miles (391km) from London

River gorge with a waterfall, cave and limestone pavement. set in woodland. North Yorkshire.

natural water features / lakes in all regions
 290 locations :: page 2 / 29  :: see also...

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
reference 44675 ❯
71 miles (114km) from London
Modern waterside retreat, seven bedrooms and outdoor heated pool. Hampshire. (new location 2024)

reference 44876 ❯
24 miles (39km) from London
240 acres of stunning formal gardens and woodland, and a tropical glasshouse. Surrey. (new location 2024)

reference 40433 ❯
Farmhouse set in fifty acres of fields and woodland and an ancient moat. Surrey.

reference 44889 ❯
572 miles (921km) from London
Waterside lodge, with seven bedrooms, in the Highlands.

reference 40685 ❯
81 miles (130km) from London
A grade II 14thC farmhouse with five bedrooms, stables, outbuildings and a disused hard tennis court, also featuring a large lake and Lake house within its eight acres of land. Essex.

reference 43974 ❯
76 miles (122km) from London
Secluded manor house with lakes, stables and tennis courts. Oxfordshire. Pictures on request only.
The owner of this location has specified that images are only available on request.

reference 43358 ❯
193 miles (311km) from London
Six-bedroomed georgian barn conversion, set on 16 acres, including woods, a lake a tennis court, an old cricket pitch, and a run-down pavilion. Cheshire.

reference 49072 ❯
20 miles (32km) from London
Country mansion, currently empty, previously a corporate headquarters. Buckinghamshire. (updated listing 2024)

reference 43296 ❯
73 miles (118km) from London
Large live/work designed barn, set in 15 acres of woodland and meadow including two galleries, a balcony and a 3-acre lake. West Sussex.

reference 41895 ❯
243 miles (391km) from London
River gorge with a waterfall, cave and limestone pavement. set in woodland. North Yorkshire.

natural water features / lakes in all regions
 290 locations :: page 2 / 29  :: see also...

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.